Anglo-Saxon’s old beliefs
Anglo-Saxons were originally Pagans. This meant they believed in lots of gods and that nature and the elements had spiritual importance. This all changed in the year 597, when a monk called Augustine arrived back in Britain from a visit to Rome. He brought a new religion with him - Christianity. Slowly, Christian beliefs spread across the country, until eventually it replaced most of the Pagan beliefs.
The year is 625 and Raedwald, King of East Anglia, has died. In Sutton Hoo, a huge hole has been dug to contain a ship, and the King's body has been laid to rest inside. Two Anglo-Saxons have been tasked with filling the burial with treasure as part of a Christian ritual.
Taken from a scene from Tangles with the Angles, created by Spinning Wheel Theatre, part of the Let's Make History project.