Help us create a future

Spinning Wheel Theatre is a registered charity (no. 1170509). We need to raise approximately £100K per year in order to make all of our projects happen, with just 10% of this raised through ticket sales.

Our touring programmes and work with young people and communities are only made possible by the kind support of grant-giving organisations, sponsors and donations from the public.

Black and white photo. A man with a moustache sits in the foreground. He looks surprised and scared. Behind him a man looks guilty and like he's trying to sneak away.
Black and white photo. Seven young people lay on the floor with their heads in the middle. They are wearing a selection of animal ears and over the top makeup. Some are smiling and some are yelling or looking surprised.
Black and white photo. One women in the foreground is talking to someone behind the camera. She look hesitant. Behind her, two women are discussing something and are deep in thought.
Black and white photo. A selection of children's musical instruments on a rug including xylophones and glockenspiel, bells, coconuts, recorder and tambourines.

Our Supporters

Over the last year, our work has only been possible with the funding or support of the following organisations:

D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Sylvia Waddilove Charitable Trust

Aquarius Charitable Trust

Scarfe Charitable Trust

It was full of top acting, and inventive, colourful props and puppets. The staging and sound was exceptional and those incredibly catchy songs have ear-wormed into my brain.  It was lovely to see the library full of colour, noise and excited children (and adults).
— Brandon Library, The Velveteen Rabbit tour 2023
A man, lit by a blue-purple light, lounges with a pipe which blows bubbles.

Make a donation

We always appreciate donations from the general public, businesses and organisations. Should you wish to make a donation please follow the link below:

A woman and man cheer at something behind the camera. They both wear silly woolly hats, and she points at what they're cheering at.